The Schoolhouse Curriculum for Years 7 to 10 is our blueprint for the teaching and learning experiences in the school we are working to create. This document is a collaborative, dynamic initiative. Version 0.1 of the curriculum is a starting point, intended to spark conversation and invite contribution.
The heart of any school is the learning experiences that take place in and around the classroom. Different learning experiences reflect different approaches to education.
The Schoolhouse curriculum lays out a new approach to teaching Years 7 to 10. It aligns with NSW Syllabus outcomes and the Australian Curriculum, but is dramatically different in how the school day is structured, and how material is learned. Rather than subjects, this curriculum is organised into discrete term-long ‘courses’, which integrate elements from different subjects, as well as material beyond the government syllabuses.
Our objective in creating this curriculum was simple: to create a school experience that prepares students for a productive and rewarding life.
You can download the PDF version to read and share. We’d love to hear the opinions and ideas of teachers, principals, students, parents and other interested contributors.
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